Northern Cyprus is currently experiencing a real splash in the country’s property market. Acquiring property in Cyprus, people have high expectations from their investments.
Many people believe that building your own home in the sun - it's just a dream, but our company will help make this vision a reality. For over 15 years our company has been building and selling properties in Northern Cyprus.
We offer a stress-free, individual service and we guarantee that all the way, from selecting the plot until the day of handing over the keys to your new home, we will support you every step of the way. We guarantee that the plans for the construction of individual projects in North Cyprus are prepared to exacting standards, and that the completion of your property will be done on time and at a predetermined price.
Alliance Estate will keep you informed on the progress of construction by sending you regular visual updates if you are outside of Cyprus.
Prior to choosing a property in Northern Cyprus by our company or other developers we will show you already built projects and introduce you to many customers who have chosen individual construction. If the customers decide to rent property while away from Cyprus, we will be happy to help with finding customers and supervise the property. Our company will take care of your property ensuring that the bills are paid, regular rent payments are made and the property is well kept.
Process of individual construction in Northern Cyprus:
1. We will assist you in finding the exact plot of land suitable to your exact requirements and demands.
Land in Northern Cyprus is measured in donums , one donum is 1338 square meters. You might decide to build the villa on the slopes of Kyrenian Mountains, where the breathtaking views will always take your breath away, or in walking distance to the crystal waters of the Mediterranean Sea.
2. Once the decision is made, the construction company is selected the contract is drawn up by your lawyer in Northern Cyprus.
3. When the contract is signed by both buyer and seller the land is registered in the Land Registry of Northern Cyprus on the buyer’s name.
4. Determine the style and design of the property and architects will prepare detailed drawings for approval. As soon as they are approved by you, further approval must be obtained from the Department of City Planning. Following this approval, construction can start.
5. The second contract will be drawn up between the buyer and the builder, which will state the specific terms of construction, such as technical details, payment schedule, and time of completion.
6. Once the engineers and architects have made the necessary drawings, and you agree with them, all the drawings / plans must be accepted and approved by various departments including the Office of City Planning, Department of Architecture, utility companies and a number of other departments .
7. Depending on the size of the property, the construction can be completed in 12 - 15 months.
8. Updates on the progress of construction will be provided to you in whatever format you require, with photos and comments. For more information, please contact Alliance Estate.
Terms of property construction in Northern Cyprus
Outside the municipal boundaries exist some restrictions on construction in some regions of Northern Cyprus, usually only 20-30% of the land are allowed to be built on. Also, usually outside the towns of Northern Cyprus maximum height to be built is two floors. These measures have been established by the Government of the TRNC to preserve the natural beauty of the island.