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Near East University is among the top 5 Turkish universities!

Near East University is among the top 5 Turkish universities!

According to the “World University Rankings 2025” research published by The Times Higher Education (THE), based in London, the top 5 Turkish universities in the world are Sabancı University, Koç University, Middle East Technical University, Istanbul Technical University and Near East University.

The most influential higher education rating organization in the world, The Times Higher Education (THE), based in London, announced the results of the eagerly awaited “World University Rankings 2025” research. Near East University, the most preferred university in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, was ranked in the 601-800 band in the list of the world’s best universities. Near East University, which was shown as the best university in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus in four of the five categories affecting the ranking results, also maintained its title as the “best university in the TRNC” when total scores were taken into account.

Near East University, which was among the top five universities in Turkey in the rankings announced by The Times Higher Education, was shown as one of the top three universities among foundation universities.

Near East University is the best in Northern Cyprus in 4 out of 5 main categories!

The Times Higher Education has grouped the indicators it uses to evaluate world universities into five main categories. Near East University was shown as the best in Northern Cyprus in four of these criteria, which are Teaching, Research Environment, Research Quality, International Outlook and Industry. In the subcategories of the study, universities were evaluated under the titles of Education Reputation, Student Academician Ratio, PhD Undergraduate Ratio, PhD Academician Ratio, Institutional Income, Research Reputation, Research Income, Research Productivity, Citation Impact, Research Power, Research Excellence, Research Impact, International Students, International Staff, International Co-Authorship, Overseas Studies, Industrial Earnings and Patents.

Prof. Dr. İrfan Suat Günsel: “This success achieved by Northern Cyprus, which has become an island of education, with the quality of higher education is very valuable for our country.”

Evaluating the results of the “World University Rankings 2025” announced by the London-based The Times Higher Education, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Near East Institution, Prof. Dr. İrfan Suat Günsel, said, “In the ranking where we are ranked as the best in Northern Cyprus, we are among the top five universities in Turkey and also in the top three among foundation universities.” Prof. Dr. İrfan Suat Günsel said, “This success achieved by Northern Cyprus, which has become an island of education, with the quality of higher education is very valuable for our country.”

Stating that “This success increases the international prestige of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus in the field of education,” Prof. Dr. İrfan Suat Günsel said, “As the Near East University, we will continue to provide the best education to our students and continue to work, produce science and turn our research into products to further increase our competitiveness among world universities.”

Students who won the competition within the scope of BİTEK project in collaboration with DAÜ and MAKAMER went on a trip to Turkey...
Students who won the competition within the scope of BİTEK project in collaboration with DAÜ and MAKAMER went on a trip to Turkey...
Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ: “The quality education we offer to our students, the devoted work of our academic staff and the results of our research that resonate around the world are among the fundamental elements that have brought us to this point.”

Near East University Rector Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ said that they were happy to be among the top five universities in Turkey in The Times Higher Education “World University Rankings 2025” research. Prof. Dr. Şanlıdağ said, “The quality education we offer to our students, the devoted work of our academic staff and the results of our research that resonate around the world are among the fundamental elements that have brought us to this point,” and continued, “We will continue our determination to raise the bar even higher in education and research from now on. As a university that takes part in global competition, we will continue to produce science at international standards and provide our students with an education that is competitive worldwide, always aiming for better,” he said. Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ said, “I would like to thank all my colleagues who have been my companions on this journey for their role in this great success.”


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